Perception is a very funny thing. With both fitness and life, people tend to look at those who have already accomplished or made it to their goal and forget about all of the struggle that came with getting there. I’m no super athlete and I haven’t achieved my life’s goals (yet): so let’s start off this topic by being completely honest. I don’t want to sound like a giant ***hole who says I’m some fitness god, because I’m not. I’m not going to say I know how to become Uber successful in life because I’m not (yet). With that out of the way, I have run a successful fitness business and while owning a gym I was fitter than most - I should have been. The field I chose to be involved with was a tangible one, not one based on calculations and investments. You can tell if someone puts their money where their mouth is with training and I definitely wasn’t going to be the fat coach with a whistle.
Now, the reason I mention this, is that I’ve had clients tell me - “Well, it’s not hard for you”, or “Well of course you can do that, but I’ll never be able to because: X/Y/Z”. I’m here to remind you all that the notion that people didn’t work to get where they are is complete and utter BS and that there is absolutely no reason to put someone on a pedestal. In fitness, bodybuilders are out there putting in the work to get as golden and glisteny as they possibly can, weightlifters are putting in hours of work and tending to the tight legs and knees they have, powerlifters are smoking cigarettes and eating donuts (JK powerlifters). The point is they're out at the gym for hours on end and working their ass off to look the way they want or to get stronger. They’ve earned their physique or strength through hours, if not years, of sweat and blood. This goes for anything in life. Doctors, scientists, and successful entrepreneurs have all suffered to get to where they want to be and for most of them, it hasn’t been easy.. People see the fruit of their labors, but not their labors.
I am here to remind you, that when you meet someone who has made it to where you want to be, you must be careful that you don’t put this person into some intangible bubble that crushes your goals. Do not ever think that they are better than, or more deserving than you. The reality is they are more experienced than you, and have more knowledge. Both of which are obtainable. Remember, every single person puts their pants on the same way, everybody poops (there’s a book), and nothing worth achieving is easy. In fact, the easy shit is the stuff you should be avoiding. If you find yourself shying away from goals because you think only people like “X” can do that. Look yourself in the mirror, and remind yourself that you are the one keeping you from your goals.