What's your motivation?

It’s halfway through June here in the desert of Arizona, and it’s already unbelievably nasty outside. With that being said, what motivates you to get up, go to the gym, and get shit done? Or conversely, what makes you stay home, pop open a bag of fritos and love them like Kanye loves himself? The answer to this question is definitely a personal one, but let’s see if we can break it down to find our most stable form of motivation to keep you hitting it hard.


First, you my friends are already kicking life’s ass by being where you are. Compared to most people, you all are extremely out of the ordinary with your work ethic, and for this I commend you. But what makes you come in? Some of you may want to keep up with your hectic lifestyle, others just want to stay active and have a community to be a part of, few of us are dedicated athletes trying to get ahead in a sport, and likely, the majority of us want to look better naked. All these are great motivators to start with, but they’re all goals; What happens when we meet these goals? I can almost guarantee you that your dedication will waver because you made it, you’re content, and all that hard work suddenly becomes more difficult. This is where we need to hit the grindstone and not fall off the wagon - will you keep to the lifestyle you’ve chosen?


All the motivators stated above are external, and really have nothing to do with your fitness. I want you to take those options, and mentally throw them out of the window. Even looking better naked.. I know, hear me out. Focus on the training, the advancement of your mental ability, and the improvement of your physical capabilities. Make your goals constant and tangible results, personal records, and being the best self that you can be. Everyone knows the high feeling of hitting a new 1rm, kicking the crap out of your old Fran time, or knocking out a particular movement you’ve been working on for the first time. There’s nothing like it - which is why these things are what we need to be driven to! If you focus on becoming a stronger person, you will reap the benefits of your results, and have an extremely enriched experience. Remember, the effort of training is all about you, not me, not Kahlan(don’t tell her), and definitely not 8th Street CrossFit. All a trainer can do is write programming on the board, teach you movements, and hope that you show up. Any results you’ve accrued in training, wherever it may have been, are yours and yours alone. These improvements are simply your drive and hard work being expressed through your body, your work capacity, and your improved fitness.


Put and keep your motivation in yourself, become the best person you can be and continue kicking life’s ass! No one will do it for you, but we’re definitely here to help. See you at the next training session!


On a side note - being about yourself does not mean forgetting about others. There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone with skills and their own self improvement. Rising tides raise all ships.