The hard truth of fitness, and achieving goals.

Procrastination is defined as, “the action of postponing or delaying something”. Procrastination is something we’ve all done, whether it is with a project at work, school, or taking care of something around the house. This happens for a variety of reasons, some valid, but most often because of excuses. I’m here to tell you that in your fitness journey, procrastination is synonymous with self defeat. It’s the same as going into a deadlift one rep max day, and thinking you’re going to fail. With this attitude you’re not going to be able to outlift your old personal record, and you’re already at a disadvantage. Procrastination is a habit we need to break, because it will keep you from where you want to be in life, and from achieving your fitness goals.


The first thing we need to do to break this cycle, is be honest with ourselves. What is it you want from your training? Six pack abs, pull-ups, a better mile run time? Are these things you actually want to achieve, or is it something you just like talking about? I can tell you right now, that if you want a six pack, your answer is nutrition. I can also tell you, that when the advice of looking at nutrition is given, it normally leads to people saying, “I don’t have time to weigh and measure my food, it’s to challenging” or, “well, I can try to look at my diet in a few months, I have too much going on right now”. If this sounds like something you’d say, here’s the hard truth -- you don’t actually want a six pack, you just like the idea of having one. The same can be said for someone who wants improved general fitness, but is out drinking all of the time. We all know drinking is bad for your metabolism, and is literally a poison to your body - if you’re sacrificing your time and effort to get into better shape, why negate your hard work by going out and getting sloshed every weekend? This isn’t me saying that you can’t go have some beers with friends and have fun, but it is me saying - don’t go get hammered, and then bitch about not getting results. You’re lying to yourself, it’s on you, and owning it is the first step to getting out of the vicious cycle that is procrastination and self defeat. To be successful in fitness, you must take responsibility, and be honest with the amount of effort you’re putting in. If you’re alright with not putting forth much effort, you need to be alright with the mediocre results you achieve.

There is so much information out there today, on how to perform your best, eat your best, and live the healthiest lifestyle you can. In fact, just at 8th Street CrossFit, you can get a ton of this information from our coaching staff, we’ll even look it up for you if we don’t have an answer. So ask yourself, what is actually keeping you from reaching your goals? It is time to stop looking to outside influences, and external issues for our faults. Realize that in most cases, the reason we don’t achieve, is our self. What I’m suggesting you do, is spend the time to reflect, figure out what you really want, and go after it with everything you have. The other side of the coin, is that if you don’t really want it, move on and go after something you do. The last important thing, is that your principles and values must line up with your goals, and for many people this realization can lead to altering paths in his or her lifestyle. If you have friends that drink all the time and you’re trying to focus on your fitness, you may need new friends. This isn’t because they aren’t good people, but simply because they are holding you back from your goals. If they’re true friends, they will support you in your goals, and help you achieve them - not be angry with you for bettering yourself. Of course there is fear and discomfort in change, and it may feel like you're walking off a plank into a tempest sea, but I promise you, adversity and hardship forge tough, strong, and humble people. Always strive to be the best person you can be in all facets of life and this year, give up on procrastination and self defeating attitudes! Go kick some ass, and as always, we at 8th Street CrossFit are here to help!