Don't be a fitness apologist, unapologetically strive for your best self.

As far as I know, everyone wants to be successful, and there isn’t anyone on this planet who wakes up and says, “I want to be mediocre today”. However, there are people who talk big game, but never act. There are many reasons for this, but the one I’m going to focus on is social stigma. It’s very apparent that people don’t like change or things that seem different to them. This may be a new realization for you, but on your fitness journey - you’ll run into people who judge you for being healthy, and even make fun of you for being “abnormal” or “weird”. Unfortunately, this happens quite often.. And in the beginning, you may even feel bad for your changes and conform to the norm. I’m here to tell you, that if you want to be successful, you need to avoid the trap of becoming a fitness apologist, let me explain.


A fitness apologist is someone who is constantly is saying sorry.. They feel bad, and start apologizing for not being able to eat a meal that will put them over the top, drink large quantities of alcohol, for going to the gym, or even getting quality sleep instead of going out late to the bars. This mindset is one hundred percent a rabbit hole, will lead to falling off the fitness wagon, and will likely start a cycle of trying bullshit fads instead of doing the necessary work to achieve his or her goals. It’s important to realize what it is you’re doing. You are working out and eating better because you’re striving to be your best self, live a better, more healthy and likely more fulfilling life. Think about that for a second.. How freaking awesome is that? You're the captain of your own ship, and your effort is literally changing your body, mind, and future. Hell, it will even change the future for your children and grandchildren’s lives. Do you want to be the old person in a wheelchair, or one who is active and constantly surprising medical staff with your vigor for life? The choice is 100% yours.


Look, I’m not saying that you can’t enjoy beers, friends, and late nights. What I am saying, is that shouldn’t be your priority if you're trying to get fit, and it damn well shouldn’t be something you have to apologize for because it isn’t. If you have 'friends' in your life who think it’s funny to try to throw off your diet, make you skip the gym or push you into unhealthy situations - you may need to rethink those friendships. Explain yourself, how important your goals are to you, and fight like hell to achieve them. The cream always rises to the top, and in your life relationships, you want to keep the ones who help you achieve, not those who hold you down.

Don’t ever apologize when striving for the betterment of yourself. You deserve greatness, give it all you’ve got. Keep training hard, eating right and be unapologetic about it. Your life is yours, rise up and live it.