Is the bang, worth the buck?

The cost of going to a fitness oriented facility in the market today is extremely variable. In fact, it is so varied, that at some gyms you can pay less monthly than you would for two cups of coffee at Starbucks. On the other hand, your monthly membership may be over one hundred or even two hundred dollars. With this being the case, which gym should you choose, and why?

This answer is extremely multifaceted, but I’m going to highlight some of the major and most important points of why you’re spending your money wisely, or if you’re on the fence about CrossFit because of the cost, why you shouldn’t be. The first and most important thing about these two different costs is the most simple: you get what you pay for. At $10-30 gyms, you are paying for equipment and for a monthly contract. The thing that may be most surprising to you, is that these gym’s business models are built around membership volume. That is to say, they want hundreds of members, who won’t actually come in and use the equipment they provide. With this business model, equipment stays new, people stay out of shape and the gym profits with having very little overhead on equipment repair. All the while, you stay out of shape, become more unhealthy, and forget that you’re being charged monthly for something you’ll never use. I know, I know, some of you are saying, “but I had one of those memberships and went all the time!” - well, it’s fantastic that you’re such a motivated individual, but my next question to you is: how in shape are you? What type of program are you following and what’s its intent? As far as health goes, what does your blood pressure or complete blood composition look like? Unless you’re a bodybuilder, weightlifter or powerlifter competing in a specialty, you shouldn’t ignore these general health questions and if you are getting them tested, I bet they aren’t changing much. If you’re idea behind fitness is becoming fit, sets and reps of different movements and weights will not train your body as a whole or work on your cardiovascular health. This is where the rubber really meets the road when it comes to bang for your buck. CrossFit is a general fitness program by trade, and will improve your body composition, general physical preparedness and overall health. Simply put, this means that your training will finally align with your lifestyle, and not just make your biceps and pectorals swell.

Another thing you’re getting with a CrossFit gym is a community. When was the last time you tried to find a gym partner and simply couldn’t? It sucks, and it’s disheartening. Dare I say, for most people, being on his or her own is why the fitness commitment stops. When you join a CrossFit gym, you get an all inclusive program, a like minded community, and a coach. This will keep you coming back, and actually produce the results you so desire.

The last revelation about pricing for CrossFit is by far the most important. Many times, I’ve heard that even though the definite and almost guaranteed benefit is out there, it is just too expensive. With all that you get out of a membership at a good gym, there are tons of arguments about why that isn’t true.. However, here’s what I want to leave you with: What is your health worth to you? Think about it. Your body is your ship through the tempest sea that is life. Do you want a beat up old ship that has been blasted against rocks, or that shiny well taken care of superyacht from the movies carrying you through? If you picked the the beat up boat (you’re an idiot), how much do you think you’ll need to pay in repairs to keep it floating? This is your body guys. If it’s not worth taking care of now, I guarantee you that the money you spend on medical bills in your future will far outweigh the price of your gym membership. With all things in life, take a step back, get a good perspective on what is is you’re actually doing and hit it with everything you’ve got. Keep training and working hard, success and health will follow.