What's your motivation?

It’s halfway through June here in the desert of Arizona, and it’s already unbelievably nasty outside. With that being said, what motivates you to get up, go to the gym, and get shit done? Or conversely, what makes you stay home, pop open a bag of fritos and love them like Kanye loves himself? The answer to this question is definitely a personal one, but let’s see if we can break it down to find our most stable form of motivation that’ll keep you hitting it hard.

Accessory work, the stuff you should be, but probably aren't doing.

Well planned and thoughtful CrossFit is the best way to maintain, and create GPP(General Physical Preparedness). However, CrossFit is not an all inclusive program that will make you the ultimate baseball player, football player, MMA fighter, Olympic weightlifter, or sport specific stud. If you’re using CrossFit to achieve a specialty, you my friend, are missing the boat.

The Training Mindset

As time goes by, I've realized that I don't have enough room in a class session to share all of the information I'd like to about training. Hopefully this will become and easy way to centralize and catalyze a base of knowledge that will speed up the learning curve and stymie the trap of someone metaphorically spinning his or her tires in a training regimen. Much of this information will pertain to the training I’ve programmed - but some of it will be based off of my personal experiences when striving for success in the lifting world and my own personal methodology gained in my years of training.